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JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Paris
20244月6日 - 4月7日
管弦楽:ロイヤル・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団 指揮:久石譲
パリ La Défense Arena
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Dusseldorf
管弦楽:ミュンヘン交響楽団 合唱:ミュンヘン・モテット合唱団 指揮:久石譲
デュッセルドルフ PSD BANK DOME
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Muenchen
管弦楽:ミュンヘン交響楽団 合唱:ミュンヘン・モテット合唱団 指揮:久石譲
ミュンヘン Olympiahalle
Hisaishi Conducts Hisaishi
20246月20日 - 6月22日
管弦楽:トロント交響楽団 指揮:久石譲
トロント Roy Thomson Hall
Hisaishi Conducts Hisaishi
20246月27日 - 6月30日
管弦楽:シカゴ交響楽団 指揮:久石譲
シカゴ Chicago Symphony Center
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in New York
20247月11日 - 7月13日
管弦楽:アメリカ交響楽団 合唱:ブルックリン・ユースコーラス、MasterVoices 指揮:久石譲
ニューヨーク Madison Square Garden
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Paris
2024April 6th - April 7th
Orchestra: Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
Paris La Défense Arena
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Dusseldorf
2024May 23rd
Orchestra: Münchner Symphoniker Chorus: Münchner Motettenchor Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
Dusseldorf PSD BANK DOME
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in Muenchen
2024May 25th
Orchestra: Münchner Symphoniker Chorus: Münchner Motettenchor Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
Muenchen Olympiahalle
Hisaishi Conducts Hisaishi
2024June 20th - June 22nd
Orchestra: Toronto Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
Toronto Roy Thomson Hall
Hisaishi Conducts Hisaishi
2024June 27th - June 30th
Orchestra: Chicago Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
Chicago Chicago Symphony Center
JOE HISAISHI SYMPHONIC CONCERT:Music from the Studio Ghibli Films of Hayao Miyazaki in New York
2024July 11th - July 13th
Orchestra: American Symphony Orchestra Chorus: Brooklyn Youth Chorus and MasterVoices Conducted by Joe Hisaishi
New York Madison Square Garden